How it works?

We don't really know yet. We are looking for ways to remove dams with a much more robust timeline than has happened in the past. There are a few great examples many took years or decades for the work to be done which was mostly paperwork. We are working on this website, finding links and information to useful resoures, and look to get our 501c3. It's our first attempt at many of these things. The impact of dam removal on invertebrates, mussels, and fish is too great to be postponed.

We have made living very difficult for any type of species that needs open water to live, procreate, and thrive. We are in the process of finding ways to best improve our current situation. We start off by having some links to articles, videos, and reports on the importance of this issue. Here are a few to get you started.


Here is a report on the impacts of barriers.

This is an article on the first major river restoration project done in Maine.

This is a great video showing the issues with storm water runoff.